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I'm an intimate wedding photographer for lovers and the occasional rebels. You can expect to see all the desert magic and adventure throughout the blog posts below. Whether you're looking for photo inspiration or wedding planning tips and tricks, I'm your girl!

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Friday Favorites // Books!

One of the most vivid early childhood memories I can remember is learning to read and write. As a first grader in a rural, small town in North Carolina, I developed a heavy southern accent. When reading aloud with my dad (an extremely intelligent academic teacher), he would often correct my slang pronunciation of the simple word, “a.” I would say, “uhhh” instead of the proper and long, “A.” He corrected me time and time again, and I’m convinced that it wasn’t until we moved to the midwest that I lost that southern slang, always inserting an attitude filled “uh” where the ever so proper old english “A” should be.

I realize that I’m one of the fortunate ones. As a child my dad read to me, I read aloud to him, and it birthed in me a deep desire to learn and grow as a student. I would read book after book, checking out the maximum allotted number of books from the library, as if there was such a thing. It was in books that I found my alter egos, my spy’s in disguise, and the other worlds that I so often loved to explore.

For some time now, I’ve thought to myself, “Hey, you’re okay at this writing thing, maybe you should write a book.” I still think that may happen a decade or two down the road, but for now, this simple little blog will suffice. And rather than just ramble aimlessly, I thought I’d start a blog series entitled, “A Few of My Favorite Things.” I’m sure it’s been done before, thanks to Julie Andrews and her children singing in the hills; but I want to share some of my favorite things. Like books, and ice cream, and moving lyrics, and whatever else this brain of mine comes up with.

So here goes nothin’: a few of my favorite books I’ve read this year!

The Best Yes, by Lysa TerKeurst
The Best Yes is exactly what it sounds like, learning the power of saying no to small things, or maybe even big things that don’t line up with the big picture, so that you can say YES 10,000% to the things you love and are called to do. It’s real, raw, and a slap in the face in the best kind of way.

#GirlBoss, by Sophia Amoruso

Processed with VSCOcam with c2 preset#GirlBoss is an autobiography of sorts, written by the founder of vintage clothing company, Nasty Gal. For the entrepreneur, small business owner, and self starter, this book comes highly recommended. Although it doesn’t have any crazy practical ideals that you won’t already know, it DOES have a booty kickin’ attitude that will give you the encouragement and push you need to get out there and just CREATE whatever it is that you want to create. It’s a little sassy, a little inappropriate at times, and a little crazy, but honestly, that’s exactly what I like about it.

Quiet, by Susan Cain
Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. I mean, that basically sums up my life in one sentence. Yes, I am an introvert, and yet some of you are surprised. This book did more for my emotional health, marriage, and outlook on relationships than probably any other book, which I understand, is a big statement to write.

I married an extrovert, and it didn’t take long after our honeymoon to begin experiencing the friction that comes from one extreme marrying the other. I honestly wish this book had been recommended to me earlier in my marriage, simply because it would have prepared BOTH of us for the personality quirks that comes from marrying your opposite. I often had epiphanies reading this book about how my thought processes are incredibly different than Mike’s, and how we could improve our communication with one another. It’s crazy what a little insight into WHY your emotions react a certain way or HOW you process information can truly change your relationships, both as an introvert and as an extrovert.

Lastly, Paper Towns, by John Green

paper towns
Several years ago, my sister read the popular novel, The Fault in Our Stars. I didn’t really understand all the hype and I didn’t read it right out of the gate. But last year I finally listened to the audio book and began to love the creative story telling of John Green. Since then, I’ve read 3 of his books, including Paper Towns. I love autobiographies and non-fiction, but the truth is, a good love story will get me every time. And although Paper Towns is a twisted, awkward love story, it still enticed me enough to finish it. It’s captivating and keeps you on your toes! John Green is great at surprising you. I’m also currently reading another fan favorite of his, An Abundance of Katherines.

There you have it!
What are some of your favorite reads for the year?
Any books I should add to my list?!

One of the most vivid early childhood memories I can remember is learning to read and write. As a first grader in a rural, small town in North Carolina, I developed a heavy southern accent. When reading aloud with my dad (an extremely intelligent academic teacher), he would often correct my slang pronunciation of the simple word, “a.” I would say, “uhhh” instead of the proper and long, “A.” He corrected me time and time again, and I’m convinced that it wasn’t until we moved to the midwest that I lost that southern slang, always inserting an attitude filled “uh” where the ever so proper old english “A” should be.

I realize that I’m one of the fortunate ones. As a child my dad read to me, I read aloud to him, and it birthed in me a deep desire to learn and grow as a student. I would read book after book, checking out the maximum allotted number of books from the library, as if there was such a thing. It was in books that I found my alter egos, my spy’s in disguise, and the other worlds that I so often loved to explore.

For some time now, I’ve thought to myself, “Hey, you’re okay at this writing thing, maybe you should write a book.” I still think that may happen a decade or two down the road, but for now, this simple little blog will suffice. And rather than just ramble aimlessly, I thought I’d start a blog series entitled, “A Few of My Favorite Things.” I’m sure it’s been done before, thanks to Julie Andrews and her children singing in the hills; but I want to share some of my favorite things. Like books, and ice cream, and moving lyrics, and whatever else this brain of mine comes up with.

So here goes nothin’: a few of my favorite books I’ve read this year!

The Best Yes, by Lysa TerKeurst
The Best Yes is exactly what it sounds like, learning the power of saying no to small things, or maybe even big things that don’t line up with the big picture, so that you can say YES 10,000% to the things you love and are called to do. It’s real, raw, and a slap in the face in the best kind of way.

#GirlBoss, by Sophia Amoruso

Processed with VSCOcam with c2 preset#GirlBoss is an autobiography of sorts, written by the founder of vintage clothing company, Nasty Gal. For the entrepreneur, small business owner, and self starter, this book comes highly recommended. Although it doesn’t have any crazy practical ideals that you won’t already know, it DOES have a booty kickin’ attitude that will give you the encouragement and push you need to get out there and just CREATE whatever it is that you want to create. It’s a little sassy, a little inappropriate at times, and a little crazy, but honestly, that’s exactly what I like about it.

Quiet, by Susan Cain
Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. I mean, that basically sums up my life in one sentence. Yes, I am an introvert, and yet some of you are surprised. This book did more for my emotional health, marriage, and outlook on relationships than probably any other book, which I understand, is a big statement to write.

I married an extrovert, and it didn’t take long after our honeymoon to begin experiencing the friction that comes from one extreme marrying the other. I honestly wish this book had been recommended to me earlier in my marriage, simply because it would have prepared BOTH of us for the personality quirks that comes from marrying your opposite. I often had epiphanies reading this book about how my thought processes are incredibly different than Mike’s, and how we could improve our communication with one another. It’s crazy what a little insight into WHY your emotions react a certain way or HOW you process information can truly change your relationships, both as an introvert and as an extrovert.

Lastly, Paper Towns, by John Green

paper towns
Several years ago, my sister read the popular novel, The Fault in Our Stars. I didn’t really understand all the hype and I didn’t read it right out of the gate. But last year I finally listened to the audio book and began to love the creative story telling of John Green. Since then, I’ve read 3 of his books, including Paper Towns. I love autobiographies and non-fiction, but the truth is, a good love story will get me every time. And although Paper Towns is a twisted, awkward love story, it still enticed me enough to finish it. It’s captivating and keeps you on your toes! John Green is great at surprising you. I’m also currently reading another fan favorite of his, An Abundance of Katherines.

There you have it!
What are some of your favorite reads for the year?
Any books I should add to my list?!


Friday Favs

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I'm an intimate wedding photographer for lovers and the occasional rebels. You can expect to see all the desert magic and adventure throughout the blog posts below. Whether you're looking for photo inspiration or wedding planning tips and tricks, I'm your girl!

Hey Babes, I'm Suzy!

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